AB Catering sparer tid og reducerer emissioner gennem AddSecure Co-Driver
Dagab sparer tid med Tacho-Download og administrationsopgaven og kan være mere involveret i coaching med Eko-kørsel. For at nå høje miljø- og kvalitetsmål bruger Dagab systemer fra AddSecure til Eko-kørsel.
Da BC Catering arbejder med fødevareleverancer, er det ekstra værdifuldt for dem at vedligeholde kølekæden og kunne levere temperaturrapporter som bevis for leverancen. Med Co-Driver kan de også kommunikere med…
Belsvik Elektro AS is trusted with the electrical work in one of the world´s largest fishing facilities. AddSecure’s solution for secure communications, AddSecure Link, enables remote monitoring and configuration of…
With a project that has been financed and specifically selected by the Swedish Energy Agency, AddSecure has, together with Affärsverken in Karlskrona, developed a new solution for smart grids. We…
Ullensaker municipality currently operates 55 buildings and 470 municipal apartments. In total, this constitutes an area of 210,000 square metres.
Drinking water is our most important resource and guaranteeing fresh, clean water requires reliable systems. Norrköping has chosen a flexible and safe communication solution for the operation and monitoring of…
Analogue phone lines are discontinued, and the cellular network is becoming more digital. To make sure no users were stuck in the municipality's elevators, Østfold had to update their alarm…